The First Annual Conference in Chicago
MAY 18-19, 2011
The first RSCI meeting was held on May 18 and 19, 2011 in the city where Dr. Roth was born and raised. The meeting was well attended despite a short preparation time of only 5 months after the decision to start RSCI had been made by the founding members. I am sure I am not the only person who was happy to see so many familiar smiley faces. I would like to congratulate the participants who prepared poster boards and brought case files for their hard work, as well as the members who were involved in the inauguration of the study club and preparation for the first meeting for their dedication and commitment.
Confucius once said, "Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places?" For the graduates of two-year Roth-designated courses, gathering from distant places to attend study club meetings for further learning is the only way to gain a true understanding of the Roth Philosophy. Some who have heard Dr. Roth lecture in his short one-day or two-day program may say, "I know the Roth Philosophy." Once we start applying the principles of the philosophy to our daily practice, however, many questions arise in spite of all we have learned in the two-year course. When we have a study club like RSCI, we can ask more experienced colleagues for their opinions. It is also important for us clinicians to create case files of our own clinical cases, which will reveal a lot of things that would go unnoticed otherwise. When every member brings one of those case files to a meeting to share with other members, we can effectively learn through studying each other's cases. Without this, we would never learn, no matter how many lectures we listen to. I was pleased to see the participants of this meeting eagerly studying the case files during breakfast and lunch break.
The Chicago meeting, indeed, gave us a strong hint that our organization is getting into gear. The meeting room, modest in size for preparatory reasons, was a bit too crowded because of the greater number of participants we had than expected. But each lecture was followed by an active discussion, providing clues and answers to some of the questions we face in our daily practice. The only way we can make progress is through seeing many well-treated cases and voicing our own opinions during Q&A sessions.
There is no other road than the Roth Road for us. We will go on this road without hesitation. The next Hawaii meeting marks the real start of this journey. For the annual meeting, there is only one rule; to bring a case file. Start preparing now. The Hawaii meeting will lead to the third meeting in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the United States of America, and many more meetings in the years to come. Let's all step forward together!
In the conference room

University Club of Chicago, May 18-19, 2011
Somewhat crammed meeting room due to unexpectedly large number of attendees
Posterboad presentation and case file review

Satoshi Adachi (left), Terrance Bianco (center), and Donald Cronin (right) engaging in a heated discussion while reviewing case files
At coffee break

Antonio Secchi, Don Linck, Ryan Tamburrino, and Shalin Shah (from left) enjoying each other's company at coffee break
At the Gala

Bruce Greenberg (left), James Sieberth (center), and Manny Wasserman at Gala

Everyone gathered for a group photo and promises to meet again: 'See you next year!'