Outside of The Bourbon Orleans hotel, the venue of the meeting

The Bourbon Orleans is located right by the Jackson Square, at the center of the French Quarter and surrounded by Southern European-style cityscape.

The lobby of The Bourbon Orleans. The stately interior is calming.

At the Council meeting before the conference
From left: Byungtaek Choi, Sangmi Lee (Korean interpreter), Euna Choi, James Sieberth, Kazumi Ikeda, Gyehyeong Lee, Hidetoshi Shirai, Emanuel Wasserman, Satoshi Adachi, Ted Freeland

Jim (back) and Kim, his secretary (front left)
They played a huge role in making this meeting a success. Kim, together with Kei Miyazaki and Kaori Otsuka (front center and right) managed the reception desk.

This meeting’s theme: “Dynamic of Stability—The Keys Revisited”

The conference room

The meeting is about to start!

James Sieberth giving the Opening remark

First presenter of the meeting Day 1, Masako Komatsu and Jim, acting as the moderator for the morning session

Masako starting her presentation on “An orthognathic surgery case”

Next up is Byungtaek Choi, presenting “Occlusion and chewing movement: Part 2”

Euna Choi, who is a moderator along with James for the morning of Day 1, is introducing the next speaker, Hiroshi Takeshita

Hiroshi Takeshita presenting “Extraction treatment of maxillary protrusion with a retrognathic mandible”

Discussion time is filled with questions and comments Byungtaek participating in the discussion

Next, Seokpil Kim presented “A key function and esthetics: Transverse control”

Behind the scenes: “our ears and voice”
Two interpreters from Japan
Rei Kawagishi (right), Sanae Iwakami (left)
Thank you for your support!

Takehiro Hirano, our Day 1 afternoon session moderator, is introducing the next presenter, Masaru Sakai

Masaru is speaking on “A Case of Maxillary Protrusion in the Early Mixed Dentition with Condylar Deformity in the Superior Aspect of the Right Condyle - Part 2”

A question from Don Linck

Another question from Jim

Next presentation is by Hideaki Miyata on “‘Miracle’ Results of Splint Therapy in a Preadolescent Patient with Severe Asymmetry.”

Next presentation by Gyehyeong Lee on “Stabilizing Splint; A Treatment Effect Based on the Change of Condylar Movement”

Ted Freeland, the other moderator for the Day 1 afternoon session is reading a certificate of appreciation to Gyehyeong.

Yukino Takagi asking a question

A comment by Tadanori Furuya

Emanuel Wasserman giving the last presentation of Day 1 on “Longevity of the Dentition: The Clinician's Evidence - Long Term Assessment of the Dr. Ron Roth Approach to Treatment.”

Our moderator, Ted, handing Manny the certificate of appreciation.

Day 2 morning session’s moderator, Gyehyeong, is introducing the first presenter, Dori Freeland-Watters.

Dori is presenting on “Advances Degenerative Joint Disease in an Eight Year Old Female: Where Do We Go From Here?”

A question by Christopher Saal

Shigeru Tanaka working hard as a historian
Since he is the one taking the pictures, we don’t have Shigeru’s photos. Thank you for the photos!

Margaret Brazones is presenting “TMJ Stabilization, Pain Management, Orthodontics, and Orthognathic Surgery with Complications.”

Gyehyeong presenting a certificate of appreciation to Margaret after her talk

Tadanori participating in a discussion

Don asking a question

Seokpil asking a follow-up question

Satoshi Adachi presenting “TMJ Imaging and its Clinical Consideration in Orthodontics”

Day 2 morning session’s other moderator, Tateshi Hiraki, is presenting a certificate of appreciation to Satoshi.

Manny and Jim very focused on the presentation

Kyung Hun Lyu presenting “Three-Dimensional Control of the Second Molar”

Tateshi presenting a certificate of appreciation after Kyung Hun’s presentation

Dori, our Day 2 afternoon session’s moderator is introducing the next speaker, Eunah Choi, who gave a talk on “Surgery or not in Class III Patients? Limitation on Non-surgical Treatment.”

The other moderator, Masako introducing the next speaker

Noriyo Uchiyama presenting “Retreatment of Surgical Case with Surgical Design Tailored to the Patient’s Joint Status”

Masako presenting a certificate of appreciation after Noriyo’s presentation

Last speaker Ted presenting “Roth and joints”
With our moderator, Dori

Kazumi Ikeda giving Closing Remarks and introducing the new attendees at this meeting

Kim Eunjeong

Felipe Alberto Leiva Cartes

Julia Esther Artega Valero

Hugo Juan Palma Gozales

Ana Lucia Colina